Mat Schottenfeld
Television production manager for EIC-TV television studios at Fordham University for 13 years. EIC-TV provides television broadcast services for the entire university. Responsible for all television programming and production, and design/installation, maintenance of television studios. We broadcast live programming through CCTV channel 10 and our website. http://www.library.fordham.edu/livestream.html Video on Demand website. http://digital.library.fordham.edu/cdm4/browse.php?CISOROOT=%2FVIDEO Regularly scheduled programming: FNN Fordham Nightly News Fordham Mornings Eye on Fordham Strategy Room, Election Center Jesuits in Conversation The Broadcast Series with Bill Baker Live from the Flom Auditorium Courses Taught for the Department of Communications, Fordham University: Television Production Advanced Television Production Special topics: Bronxnet Independent Study in News Production Faculty Adviser for Internship Research focus: technology, spatial design, television, and video production Tenured member of the Department of Music at Hunter College, City University of New York Responsible for design/installation of recital hall, sound synthesis recording studios, and television studio. Courses Taught for Department of Music Hunter College: Sound Synthesis Advanced Sound Synthesis Independent study in music compositionEDUCAUSE Presentations
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