Meggan Levitt


Meggan Levitt, Ph.D. PMP is currently Assistant Vice Provost and Associate Chief Information Officer for Academic Applications at University of California Davis. In her current role, Meggan leads the planning and delivery of information system solutions that enable the university's core educational and research mission. Meggan manages educational technologies that support teaching and learning in classrooms and online, including learning management systems, instructional media creation and instructional design. Meggan also coordinates research IT concierge services and oversees UC Davis’ administrative systems that support critical processes related to students including admissions, enrollment, registration, orientation, financial aid, advising, student activities, student health, and career services.

Meggan previously worked for UC Berkeley, Georgia Tech, Emory University, Westminster College in Salt Lake City and the University of Texas at Austin. She earned her Master’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin and her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, Higher Education at Mercer University in Atlanta, Georgia.

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