Michael Egolf
Michael Egolf is the Program Director, Emergency Management and Continuity, for the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology and University Information Technology Services, Indiana University…which includes over 110,000 students, 20,000 faculty/staff, across 8 campuses in the state of Indiana. Previous positions with Indiana University include Associate Director of Computing Services, Academic/Administrative Computing/Network Operations; Director of Data Center, Administrative Computing, and Manager of Enterprise Systems, UITS. Prior to joining the university in January of 1988, Michael held the positions of Director of MIS and Corporate Officer for Zale Corporation, Manager of Corporate Systems for Associated Dry Goods Incorporated, and Vice President of MIS for Danners, Inc. Michael has extensive experience in IT, including planning, application development, infrastructure, and voice and data telecommunications. Michael has spoken on IT strategy, TCO, infrastructure, capacity planning, performance, and high availability for several organizations and conferences throughout his 40+ year career. Michael holds a B.S degree from Valparaiso University, a M.S. degree from Purdue University, and conducted Ph.D. work at Purdue University.EDUCAUSE Presentations
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