Michele Kelmer
Michele Kelmer has worked full time in higher education since 2000, both as an IT professional and as a faculty member.
Currently, Michele serves at the Director of Faculty Engagment and Outreach in UITS Learning Technologies. Her portfolio includes the instructional technology consultants at the teaching centers on each campus, the Assistive Technology and Accessibility Center (ATAC) and Digital Education Programs and Initiatives.
Prior to her role as a director, Michele was the Manager of Digital Education Programs and Initiatives where she was responsible for teams in the following areas: IT Training, eTexts, Unizin projects, faculty outreach and student outreach.
Michele also serves as one of IU's liaisons to the Unizin Consortium. In this role, Michele promotes the adoption of Unizin products and services. In addition, she works with other consortium members both to improve the landscape of technology for teaching and learning in higher education and to harness learning analytics to improve student success.
Previously at IU, Michele was the Lead Strategic IT Business Analyst in the IT Community Partnerships group. IT Community Partnerships makes connections with staff, faculty and students across all of IU's eight campuses to make the best use of technology resources and services. Michele was responsible for the UITS Student Outreach team, a grassroots effort to connect students with technology services. Michele values her time on several university-wide committees, including the IT Leadership Community, IU Women in Technology, the Center of Excellence for Women in Technology (CEWiT) and several communities of practice.
From 2001-2007 at Southeast Missouri State, Michele served as the director of Web Design & Support. In addition, she has taught classes in computer science, business, and visual communication. Her career prior to 2000 included working as a Web developer and graphic designer for companies involved with professional photography, magazine publishing and e-commerce.
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