Michele Kimpton


Michele Kimpton is Chief Executive Officer of DuraSpace and one of the founders of the organization. DuraSpace was formed in July 2009, and was the coming together of both the DSpace Foundation and Fedora-Commons organizations. DuraSpace is a not-for-profit organization that provides guidance and support for open source software projects DSpace, Fedora and more recently DuraCloud. Michele sets the strategic direction for DuraSpace with the executive team and members of the Board. Mrs. Kimpton was recently awarded Digital Preservation Pioneer by the NDIPP program at Library of Congress, and you can find more detail at http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/partners/pioneers/detail_kimpton.html. Prior to joining DuraSpace, Michele Kimpton was the Founder of the DSpace Foundation, a not for profit organization set up to provide leadership and support to the community of users of the DSpace open source software platform. The mission of the Foundation was to promote open access and preservation of the world's scholarly works. The DSpace open source software platform is freely available to anyone or any institution, wishing to preserve, manage and provide internet access to their digital collections. Currently there are over one thousand installations worldwide using DSpace software. Prior to joining DSpace, Michele Kimpton was the Director at Internet Archive for five years. In her role she works closely with National Libraries, Archives and Universities to provide technical expertise and services in web archiving. She has developed partnerships with several of these institutions to collaborate on web archiving activities, including being one of the founding members of the International Internet Preservation Consortium.

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