Michelle Rakoczy


Michelle Rakoczy is an IT leader with over 18 years of experience in higher education. Working with the North Dakota University System (NDUS) - Core Technology Services (CTS), she provides leadership for three units within the CTS Infrastructure and Operations department including Network Services, System Administration and Endpoint Services and serves as a resource to 11 campuses in the NDUS. Michelle Serves as the work-based learning coordinator for CTS and brings over 10 years of experience in supervising/mentoring student employees while working at the University of North Dakota. Michelle holds a doctorate in higher education and holds a master’s degree in management information systems. She has done extensive research on work-based learning, culture, digital transformation, IT workers in higher education, leadership theories, and motivation theories. 

EDUCAUSE Publications

  • Providing a Clear Path to Advancement for IT Staff
    • Blog
    • Author

    Information technology worker retention is imperative in higher education, and providing staff an opportunity to grow skills can improve staff satisfaction, leading to increases in productivity and retention.

EDUCAUSE Presentations