Nancy John


Nancy John is Assistant University Librarian and Manager of Library Systems at the University Library of the University of Illinois at Chicago. At the University of Illinois at Chicago, her technology team is responsible for all Library automation. Nancy John became a faculty member at the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1978 and currently holds the rank of Associate Professor. From 1974-78 she was catalog librarian at National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. She received a MLS from UCLA in 1973 and a B.A. from Stanford in 1969.

Research Interests: Information dissemination and retrieval, public policy as it affects access to information, economics of electronic information, empowerment of citizenry via access to Internet.

Recent Accomplishments: In 1996, she was Internet Advisor and Consultant to the United States Mission in Geneva, Switzerland. She is the first North American editor of the distinguished library and information science journal Libri, published by K.G. Saur (Munich). She has been named one of the nation's "Internet digerati" twice by the weekly magazine Computerworld. She was elected a member of the Executive Board of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and serves as 1st Vice-President of IFLA. Prof. John has lectured widely throughout the United States, as well as in Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Switzerland, Thailand, and the United Kingdom.

EDUCAUSE Publications