Nathan Phillips
I've served on the faculties of the University of Hong Kong, Keio University, University of California at San Diego, Clark College, Palomar College, Portland State University, Marylhurst University, and the University of Portland. Also, I was a lead trainer at Apple Inc. for over six years. I earned my Ph.D. from UCSD, masters at Johns Hopkins, and was an undergrad at Northwestern University. One of my research areas is music technolgoy, specializing in live digital signal processing of sound signals. I've also held several positions as an Instructional Designer and in that role delivered over 7,000 training hours related to computer technology on subjects from Microsoft Office to Online Course Development. Now, I perform all the regular CIO duties while remaining an active faculty member.
I like to travel and have been to all 50 States and 7 countries. I hope to get to all the continents! I test out my managerial and instructional design ideas on my children--it doesn't always go well. Luckily, I have a great sense of humor. I do not test out my ideas on my wife, which may be why I'm still married.
I am a classically trained musician; in fact, I used to play viola professionally. I discovered I like playing much more for myself and friends than earning a living at it. Everyone is surprised to find out where I was born and raised (Texas) since I seem like a native Portlander (Oregon). And, like many Portlanders, I love to cook. I've been working on making the perfect bananas foster for over 20 years, my latest discovery is that you must use authentic Jamaican white rum.
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