Neal Fisch


Neal Fisch is Director of Enterprise Services and Security, and Information Security Officer at California State University, Channel Islands. With over 30 years of technology experience, Neal is a trusted advisor to executive officers, committee members, and university members at large on security, risk and compliance matters. Neal oversees information security, privacy and risk management projects and programs related to data and technology for the university and manages and administers the University Information Security Program. Neal is also an active member of the California State University Information Security Advisory Council charged with creating policy and standards, and providing direction to the system related to security, risk, and compliance. Neal is also Director of of Enterprise Services and Security responsible for the direction and management of student and administrative ERP systems and third party integrated systems and interfaces into and out from those ERP systems at Channel Islands.

Neal is an active member of EDUCAUSE and has participated in many forms such as white paper/research member, conference session presenter, conference panel member, conference committee member, session reviewer as well as various other EDUCAUSE committees and studies.

Neal is active as a local information security resource participating on local community committees for information security led by local assembly members and county leadership.   

EDUCAUSE Publications

EDUCAUSE Presentations