Nicole Buzzetto-More
Dr. Nicole A. Buzzetto-More is an Associate Professor, Business Education program coordinator, and Assurance of Learning coordinator in the Department of Business, Management, and Accounting at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. She is also Co-Founder of the UMES Office of Instructional Technology. She received doctorate and masters degrees in communication and instructional technology from Columbia University and also holds degrees from the College of New Rochelle and Marist College. As a recognized assessment and elearning expert, she is a frequent presenter at conferences across the globe. She is on the editorial board of several journals, has authored numerous publications in referred journals, and has been recognized with awards from the American Distance Education Consortium, Global Digital Business Association, and Informing Science Institute. Her two books published in early 2007, Principles of Effective Online Teaching and Advanced Principles of Effective E-Learning, are available through the Informing Science Press. She is currently working on her third book scheduled for publication in the spring of 2008. Her current interests include: Web-based simulations, virtuality, social networking, e-learning, e-assessment, electronic portfolios, information and media literacy, WebQuests, learning objects, and learning object repositories.EDUCAUSE Presentations
EDUCAUSE Involvement
EDUCAUSE Review Online Reviewers
EDUCAUSE Quarterly Editorial Committees