Patricia Vanderbilt


I am a learning designer at Teaching and Learning Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) where I design learning experiences for a diverse audience of educators around the world. I earned my Masters in the Technology, Innovation and Education program at HGSE, and I have experience in UX research, formative evaluation of education products, product design and project management. I am particularly interested in designing learning experiences that are driven by learner agency and questions of how to place Universal Design for Learning principles at the forefront of instructional design work. 

My current projects include How People Learn, a personalized foundational course for incoming master’s in education students, and the Certificate of Early Education Leadership, a job-embedded certificate program for leaders in early education settings. In addition to my work in learning design, I am on the teaching team for the course Transforming Education through Emerging Technologies at HGSE. 

EDUCAUSE Presentations