Patrick R. Lowenthal is a Professor in the Department of Educational Technology at Boise State University. He specializes in designing and developing online learning environments. His research focuses on how people communicate using emerging technologies—with a specific focus on issues of presence, identity, and community--in online learning environments. Learn more about the work Patrick is doing at
EDUCAUSE Publications
As growing numbers of students take online and hybrid courses, higher education institutions are looking for ways to cultivate and sustain engagement with students remotely. One method is the use of asynchronous video-based discussions, which offers unique opportunities for instructors and students.
This video list of insights comes from experts in the field of online teaching. Here is a collection of 8 lessons that might improve your online course!
Patrick R. Lowenthal is an Instructional Designer at Boise State University. Joanna C. Dunlap is Associate Professor and Assistant Director for Teaching Effectiveness at the University of Colorado Denver.