Patrick Perry has served since May, 2016 as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the California State University System, the largest public four-year system in the US. Perry oversees the Information Technology Services Division and shapes the IT vision, provides policy direction and leads the strategies that power the technology infrastructure supporting the university’s 23 campuses, 470,000 students and 47,000 employees. He also leads projects designed to provide scalable, sustainable applications of technology and data usage in support of the academic mission by expanding intra- and inter-campus communications networks, integrating administrative systems, and managing the collection of CSU’s student admissions, enrollment, student outcomes, and financial records. He also oversees key system-level initiatives including accessible technology, common management systems, identity and access management, technology innovation, and information security management. Prior to the CSU post, Perry spent 13 years as the vice chancellor of Technology, Research and Information Systems for the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office where he oversaw the data collection, research, and technology initiatives at the largest two-year postsecondary system in the US. He serves on the boards of the National Student Clearinghouse (a national student unit record data collection), and the Corporation for Network Initiatives in California (CENIC, California’s educational fiber telecommunications and research network).