Dr. Paul E. Resta holds the Ruth Knight Milliken Centennial Professorship and serves as Director of the Learning Technology Center at the University of Texas at Austin. He teaches advanced graduate courses in instructional technology including instructional design and computer-supported collaborative learning. His current work focuses on computer-supported collaborative learning, the design of Web-based learning environments, and the use of telecommunications and multimedia technologies to enhance learning opportunities for students in rural isolated areas, and the design of an international study of exemplary applications of technology in education. He is the recipient of the 2001 U.S. Distance Learning Association Award for Higher Education. His course on Technology Planning and Management won the University of Continuing Education National Distance Learning Course Award.He currently serves as chair of the ATE National Commission on Technology and the Future of Teacher Education. He is the Founding President of The International Society for Technology in Education and also served as President of the International Council for Computers in Education and as Chair of the Technology Committee for the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, (Fulbright awards).
He has chaired a number of international educational technology conferences such as the 1993 and 1997 International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia in Education, the 1990 East-West Seminar on New Information Technologies in Education, and the 1991 International Conference on Multimedia in Education and Training. He recently served as a member of the Bureau, and the International Program Committee of the Second United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Congress on Informatics and Education held in Moscow, Russia in 1996.He curently directs the Technology Leadership Academy, funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education and is the director of Project INSITE, another federally funded project to infuse technology into the preparation of science and math teachers. He serves on the U.S. Dept of Education Coordinating Council for the Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) Program.