James Lin
Pengyue James Lin is currently the Chief Technology Officer of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS), and Director of CHASS College Computing. He is responsible for CHASS technology planning, budgeting, development, daily technology operations, and aligning technology vision with business strategy by integrating business processes with the appropriate technologies. He is also responsible for all aspects of developing and implementing technology initiatives within the organization. He maintains existing enterprise systems, while providing direction in all technology related issues in support of information operations and core College values. He was one of the principle designers of the multi-million dollars Proton Beam Therapy System funded by Department of Energy and private sectors, the system architect and project chief of a private funded multimillion dollars global e-commerce system, the technical team leader of the Department of Homeland Security funded IDAS Synthesis Data Generator IDSG, and chief architect of a US patent pending a portable multipurpose quality assessment tool and an intelligent trainable robot. He is also an inventor of another US patented medical device.EDUCAUSE Presentations
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