Peter Jonas
Everyone is born with a brain, everyone is born with a sense of humor, and both of these concepts are innately connected to learning. By grounding the work in empirical studies, the interactive seminar provides the research, and more importantly practical examples, of how to integrate humor into the learning environment. Through the modeling of brain-based concepts, the seminar will provide both theory and practical guidelines for educators. Learn how easy it is to engage students that in an organic way to improve teaching, increase learning, and even enhance leadership abilities. When you get people to laugh you can transform learning.
Learning, Laughing, and Leadership most accurately describe Dr. Peter Jonas. Peter is a tenured, full professor of research and statistics in the doctoral leadership department at Cardinal Stritch University, and is well-known for my wise-cracking comments and lectures on humor. In addition, he is an author, consultant, and national speaker on brain-based research, teaching excellence and humor.
Over the years Peter has written four books in support of my research (but only the three books on humor are any good): Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education Linked with Strategic Planning and Budgeting [2nd ed.] (2013), Laughing and Learning: An Alternative to Shut-up and Listen (2009), Secrets of Connecting Leadership and Learning to Humor (2004) and Transforming Learning: Don’t Let Education Interfere with Your Laughter (2019).