I am a highly committed, enthusiastic and experienced professional in higher education. Raj holds the position of Fellowship and Awards Advisor at Advance HE (formed from the merger of the Higher Education Academy, Equality Challenge Unit and Leadership Foundation for Higher Education). He joined the HEA in August 2011, following eight years at Sheffield Hallam University’s (SHU) Learning and Teaching Institute working as an academic developer in higher education. Through effective business development and consultancy practice he supports the development of the professional recognition service, accreditation and awards, working with individuals, institutions and organisations across the UK and internationally (including Oman, Bahrain, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkey, Brazil and Australia) in the area of the Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) and Professional Recognition (Fellowship).
I have a degree in Education Studies and a Postgraduate Certificate in Post Compulsory Education and Training. He is a Senior Fellow of the HEA. Raj has been a lecturer in educational change and an educational researcher. His research interests focus on professional development, internationalisation of the curriculum, peer supported review, evaluation of learning and teaching and enhancing academic practice. His teaching has focused in the discipline of Education Studies, which involved the theoretical analysis and academic study of all forms of education including further and higher education, and lifelong learning.
My approach to teaching and supporting learning stems from an innate personal interest and passion for higher education, teaching and learning. He strongly believes that higher education is a powerful catalyst for change and is able to transform the lives of students, staff, organisations, communities and businesses to promote growth and development.