Becky Atwood


Rebecca Atwood is a Business Intelligence Analyst in the Enterprise Reporting group of Enterprise Solutions at Wellesley College. A Wellesley alumna, she supports several divisions and departments including Student Life, Health Services, Campus Police, the International Student Office and Housing with reporting from Banner. She is Lead Report Developer and Lead Reporting Tools Trainer for iStrategy, using ProClarity and Pyramid Analytics. Other systems Becky supports are Ellucian International Student and Scholar Mangement, Medicat, Nolij and CCure. Previously, during Becky's 17 years at Wellesley, she has supported the e-mail and conferencing software (FirstClass), assisted faculty with the course management system, and was technical leader and manager of the events management technical support team, using R25. She was also primary support and database designer for Filemaker Pro solutions and MS Access, and manager of the Computing Help Desk. She acted as primary support and trainer for desktop operating systems and many other software packages. Becky has participated in Nercomp's ECAR Academy and is a member of the ECAR Academy User Group.