Bob Haring-Smith


Bob Haring-Smith retired in 2017 after working in Information Technology Services at West Virginia University in a variety of capacities. Before coming to WVU in 2005, Bob held computer support positions at Brown University, Harvard Law School, and Willamette University, as well as faculty positions in the mathematics departments at Holy Cross College and the American University in Cairo. During a three-year stint in Cairo, he also served as the Ford Foundation's Regional Technology Advisor for Africa, providing project management, computer support, and consulting services to the foundation's field offices in Africa. Bob earned a Ph.D. in mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana and a Sc.M. in computer science at Brown University. He is a past chair of ACM's Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services (SIGUCCS) and a recipient of its Penny Crane Award for Distinguished Service.