Rod Murray


Dr. Rodney Murray, executive director of academic technology at the University of the Sciences, is charged with advancing all aspects of educational technology on campus. His goal is to provide the teaching and learning platforms and services that will move USciences forward in classroom learning, hybrid and distance education. He earned his Ph.D. in pharmacology from Temple University School of Medicine, and has published in the area of neuropharmacology and written statistical and data analysis software widely used in pharmacology and pharmaceutical research labs worldwide. Prior to joining USciences, Rod founded the Office of Academic Computing and taught pharmacokinetics at Thomas Jefferson University, where he helped bring about advancements in the areas of instructional technology, e-learning application development, and Jefferson's Internet presence. At USciences, he promotes the latest e-learning technologies, including web apps, social media, blogs, wiki's, e-portfolios and podcasts. He has become a recognized expert in this area, producing his own podcast on educational technology since 2006 (now available at