Rory McGreal


Prof. Rory McGreal is the UNESCO//International Council for Open and Distance Education Chair in Open Educational Resources (OER) at Athabasca University, Canada; and Director of the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute (TEKRI) He is also. the Editor-in-Chief of IRRODL (International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning).  The highest ranked open access journal in the field of Educational Technology. He is also the founder of the OER Knowledge Cloud, a repository of research articles on OER. Previous positions include Assoc. VP Research, at Athabasca University, and founder of TeleEducation NB, the first Canadian province-wide elearning network. He is also the recipient of several national and international awards for open and distance learning; and has conducted workshops in more than 60 countries, and been an invited speaker in more than 40.

EDUCAUSE Publications

  • Building the E-University: Transforming Athabasca University
    • Article
    • Author

    At Athabasca University Dietmar Kennepohl is Associate Vice President Academic and Professor of Chemistry, Cindy Ives is Director of the Centre for Learning Design and Development, Brian Stewart is Vice President Information Technology and CIO, and Rory McGreal is Professor, Centre for Distance Education and UNESCO/COL Chair in Open Educational Resources.