Rose Ong


Rosalind is passionate about improving learning opportunities to ensure all students develop success skills. Currently, Rosalind serves as the Interim Dean of Performance Excellence and Director of Learning Outcomes Assessment at San Antonio College (SAC) in San Antonio, TX. In her role she leads the implementation and adoption of transformational institutional assessment practices, continuous improvement efforts, and associated self-assessment including SACSCOC reporting. 

Rosalind also leads the Learning Assessment team at SAC in implementing the college assessment plan, ePortfolios, and badging. This includes supporting faculty and staff with the assessment platform, collecting data and generating and analyzing reports, and researching strategies for continued expansion of Learning Assessment practices at the college. 

She received a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership & Policy Study and a B.B.A in Business Management from the University of Texas at San Antonio.

EDUCAUSE Publications

EDUCAUSE Presentations