Sally Johnstone


Sally M. Johnstone is the Vice President for Academic Advancement at the Western Governors University, a competency-based (CBE), on-line institution. She is currently working with colleges across the U.S. as they develop thie own CBE programs. Prior to joining WGU, 2011, she was the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at a traditional comprehensive public university in Minnesota, USA. She also spent over 15 years at the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Dr. Johnstone continues to work on policy issues for higher education institutions and system organizations, CBE, open education resources, inter-institutional collaborations, and quality assurance issues. She serves on the U.S. UNESCO Commission and on the editorial boards for Change magazine (USA) and the Journal of Open Learning (UK). She has authored dozens of articles, books, and reports on issues of integrating information and communication technology into academics. Johnstone earned her Ph. D. in experimental psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA.

EDUCAUSE Publications

  • Open Educational Resources Serve the World
    • Article
    • Author

    When MIT first announced the OpenCourseWare (OCW) project in the spring of 2001, many people hoped similar projects would proliferate, allowing instructors in less-developed countries to access timely materials to support their teaching—materials that would otherwise never be available to them.

EDUCAUSE Presentations