Trailblazing a Modern Path to CIO
Finding a path to a leadership role can be daunting. In this episode, hosts Sarah and Wes speak with two young professionals who have forged a path to the CIO position and discuss how they got there.
Sandeep believes in leaving this world a little better than she found it. Her work helps Higher Education transform by developing effective organizational capabilities (people with technology), and leverage digitalization.
Sandeep Sidhu is an innovative, and collaborative leader with a deep Higher Education connection. As a strategic communicator and a connector between the University community, technology teams. She has nearly 20 years of active leadership experience in the technology space. Sandeep is the Chief Information Officer at Emily Carr University and helps shape their Digital transformation strategy. Prior to that Sandeep lead the Client Services portfolio at Simon Fraser University, Capilano University and a decade of private sector consulting experience. Sandeep is active volunteer in the BCNET, CUCCIO and Educause community.
Sandeep is also passionate about academia and holds a double master’s degree in Information Technology and Applied research. She is also a visiting professor at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Finding a path to a leadership role can be daunting. In this episode, hosts Sarah and Wes speak with two young professionals who have forged a path to the CIO position and discuss how they got there.
Looking to 2024, college and university technology leaders must make plans and take actions to anticipate how artificial intelligence can or should shape the future for higher education, build the resilience of their institutions, and work toward a greater good.
Hosts Cynthia and Jack talk with two members of the EDUCAUSE Young Professionals Advisory Committee: Tara Hughes, Interim Chief Information Officer for California State University Maritime Academy, and Sandeep Sidhu, Chief Information Officer for Emily Carr University of Art & Design.
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