Scott Valcourt
Scott Valcourt is an associate teaching professor in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at the Roux Institute at Northeastern University in Portland, ME. A national research leader in cyberinfrastructure, Scott has been part of the development of more than a dozen worldwide networking technologies, causing NetworkWorld Magazine in 2001 to name him “one of the most powerful people in networking.” Scott was the second director of the world-renowned University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) from 1993-2004 and has been the principal investigator (PI) of Network NH Now, a collaboration of public and private partners that constructed critically needed broadband expansion across NH through more than 750 miles of new and existing fiber and microwave technologies, as well as the co-PI of the New Hampshire Broadband Mapping and Planning Program that continues to focus on broadband mapping statewide. Scott has developed and managed over $100 million in grant funds focused on the creation of next generation infrastructure and applications utilizing broadband across the region. His current research areas involve data analysis and broadband expansion in support of smart communities and telehealth. Scott has a BA in Computer Science with Mathematics Emphasis, cum laude, from Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH, and a Master of Science in Computer Science and a PhD in Engineering: Systems Design with a Cognate in College Teaching from the University of New Hampshire. A native Mainer, he and his family live in an 1800 farmhouse in Gray where snowshoeing and gardening are a way of life.
EDUCAUSE Presentations
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EDUCAUSE Involvement
ECAR Campus Cyberinfrastructure Group
ACTI Campus Cyberinfrastructure Working Group
Campus Cyberinfrastructure - Working Group