Sean O'Donnell


Seán O’Donnell is the Director of Distance Education for the College of Engineering at Villanova University and is the architect and system designer of the Distance and Enhanced Education facilities of the college. He received his degree is in Computer Engineering from Villanova University in 2000. Before Villanova, Seán worked for Lockheed Martin as a systems engineer. His specialties were missile guidance systems and satellites. While at Villanova, Seán created the distance education program. He transformed what was originally a small grant proposal with a $3,000 / year budget, into a full academic department that offers 16 graduate classes a semester, and generates approximately $800,000 / year annually in tuitions and revenues. Beyond the function of the distance education facilities, which have won a number of national awards and have been featured in many publications, Seán brought validity to distance education through ongoing metrics and studies showing that the technologies of today not only improve the way distance learners receive their courses, but also improve the way the traditional in-class student learns as well. As Seán puts it, "This is the future of education. In an environment that hasn't had a significant change in the last 50 years, we are now seeing the potential of enhanced learning systems and how they improve education. Welcome to Engineering Education Evolved!" Seán grew up in Philadelphia and the Philadelphia area and now lives in Valley Forge. Outside of work, he is an accomplished musician, athlete, public speaker, pilot and traveler. When he is not developing distance education technologies, you will find him lecturing to colleges, high schools, and elementary schools on overcoming disabilities and injury prevention.

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