Sebastien Korner


Sebastien is a Senior Systems Programmer in the Library IT Core Services group at the University of Michigan Library. This group provides server and storage infrastructure, systems integration, and automation of workflows and processes to support both the Library's digital services and the HathiTrust Digital Library's data ingest, preservation, and access responsibilities. Sebastien has 15 years of experience working as a systems analyst, programmer, and administrator in operational and research computing environments at the University of Michigan and University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Sebastien has an M.S. degree in Atmospheric Science from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and a B.S. in Atmospheric Science from Cornell University.

EDUCAUSE Publications

  • The Case for Building a Digital Preservation Network
    • Article
    • Author

    Step 1. DPN Members will work directly with an individual DPN node to negotiate contracts, determine service levels, and deposit materials into DPN via the First Node. Service levels and contracts will reflect standard DPN services; they may also reflect the First Nodes unique offerings in terms of access (remember, DPN is a dark archive that links together and makes preservation copies of the material in the access-orie ...