Stacey Greenwell


Dr. Stacey Greenwell has served the University of Kentucky Libraries in several roles since 2001, including Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Research, Head of the Information Commons, and Head of Desktop Support. Currently she is Coordinator of Educational Services as well as an instructional designer and provides liaison support to the College of Communication and Information and the Lewis Honors College. Dr. Greenwell is a Fellow of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) and has held leadership roles there as well as in the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL). Dr. Greenwell is co-author of the second edition of Academic Librarianship (ALA Editions), the fourth edition of Management Basics for Information Professionals (ALA Editions and Facet Publishing), the ninth edition of Library Programs and Services: the Fundamentals (Bloomsbury Libraries Unlimited), and Learning in Information-Rich Environments (Springer). She has taught an academic libraries course for the iSchools at Syracuse University and the University of Kentucky.

EDUCAUSE Publications

  • 7 Things You Should Know About the Modern Learning Commons
    • Briefs, Case Studies, Papers, Reports
    • Contributor

    The learning commons, sometimes called an “information commons,” has evolved from a combination library and computer lab into a full-service learning, research, and project space.

EDUCAUSE Presentations