Steve Ehrmann


Stephen C. Ehrmann has received two national awards for his contributions to distance education research.  He has served as Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning at the George Washington University;  Associate Director for Research and Evaluation at the Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation at the University System of Maryland;   Vice President of the non-profit Teaching Learning and Technology Group; Director of the Flashlight Program for the Evaluation of Educational Uses of Technology; Senior Program Officer for Interactive Technologies with the Annenberg/CPB Projects; Program Officer with the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE); and Director of Educational Research and Assistance at The Evergreen State College. He earned a Ph.D. in management and higher education from MIT.
His newest book is Pursuing Quality, Access, and Affordability: A Field Guide to Improving Higher Education ( ). That web page includes a link to the book's first chapter, detailing why it's urgent that institutions improve all three kinds of outcomes. Of the book, Carol Geary Schneider has written, "[It]  provides a persuasive, practical, and long-view guide to implementing transformative educational change across an entire institution and ultimately, US higher education as a whole." Prof. Adrianna Kezar of USC has called it "one of the most important books in higher education in decades."  InsideHigherEd called it a "must-read."
3-minute video summarizing a few of the book's key points:

EDUCAUSE Review article on four specific ways in which technology can be used to amplify 3fold gains:

Playlist of more YouTube talks about this research:

Liberal Education article describing the 3fold gain framework, spotlighting the need for cross-sector coalitions to achieve 3fold gains:

Inside Higher Education interview (text):

EDUCAUSE Publications

EDUCAUSE Presentations