Steven Chang


Steven Chang is the Department Head of Technology Strategy and Services at the University of Arizona Libraries. He leads the department in assessing, procuring, developing and deploying IT tools and processes within the university’s library system. In collaboration with the Cabinet, the senior management team for the UA Libraries, he sets the technology strategies and vision for the organization. Steven engages with key campus leaders in units such as University Information Technology Services (UITS) on issues of technology strategy. He provides oversight of daily operations including endpoint management, help desk, A/V, digital signage, server infrastructure, web applications development, and project management.

EDUCAUSE Publications

  • Reacquainting Yourself with the Techie You Once Were
    • Blog
    • Author

    The author explains the importance (and joy) of technical skills, which can fall by the wayside when you move into an IT leadership role, and offers strategies for revisiting and carving out time for them.

EDUCAUSE Presentations