Dr. Steven Neiheisel is currently Assistant Vice President Enrollment Management at the University of Idaho and serves as the chair of the university's Advisory Group for IT. Prior to his role at University of Idaho he served as a Jenzabar Industry Consultant, spearheading the company's Executive Services. Dr. Neiheisel brings over 25 years of experience helping colleges and universities establish institutional goals and objectives. Drawing upon his extensive knowledge of higher education administration, enrollment management and IT practices, he has helped develop and overseen enrollment management and technology strategies and implementations on several campuses.
Dr. Neiheisel received his undergraduate degree from California State University, Dominguez Hills in Mathematics and Information Systems, followed by his Master's degree and Ph.D in Higher Education Administration from The Ohio State University. Dr. Neiheisel's graduate studies were among the first to explore the roles and impact of information systems on the administration of higher education. His career began at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and includes both private and public institutions as well as doctoral granting and master's comprehensive institutions.With over 25 years of management experience, Dr. Neiheisel has participated in such diverse activities as the community based program Leadership Springfield (while at the University of Illinois, Springfield) and the technology focused EDUCAUSE (CAUSE) Management Institute.