Craig Montgomerie is a professor emeritus of Instructional Technology in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta, the president of Mentat Consulting Services Ltd. and an instructor at Athabasca University. Craig’s first degree was in Engineering, and his first job was as a programmer/analyst on the IBM 1800 – a real time process/control computer.
He has been involved in the application of computer technology to education since the early 1970s, having worked in the use of computers in instruction since the early days of the IBM 1500 system. Craig’s interest & publications have evolved along with the evolution of the use of computers in education to include distance education, computer applications in developing countries, and educational applications of broadband - especially in rural areas.
Since 2003, Craig has acted as an external evaluator of proposed and existing distance education programs for a number of provincial accreditation agencies. In 2013 Craig was made a fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education: "In Recognition of Outstanding Leadership & Service to the Profession and AACE."