In my practice I have coordinated several projects with technology-mediated educational innovation as the Mobile Learning System in the Virtual University of Tecnológico de Monterrey. I'm coauthor and manager of the Open Educational Resource catalog called "", proposed by the Tecnológico de Monterrey in the World Economic Forum (WEF) as an active member of the community of universities participating in the GULF (Global University Leaders Forum) with reference to the subject "Digital Content Dissemination of University". Also I'm project manager of several initiatives of open education in my institution like the OCW program ( and an institutional repository of OER ( I'm coauthor of an electronic book with documentation of use and incorporation of the OER in educational practice, and coauthor of two books about educational technology and innovation.
I am currently a Liaison Officer of Innovation and Educational Technology at the Center for Innovation in Technology and Education (Innov@TE), and part time Professor at the Graduate School of Education (EGE) in Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM). I've a blog about educational innovation-based technology, open content and open education at